2023 观世音菩萨圣诞 Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Birthday

2023 观世音菩萨圣诞



Let’s Meet on 11th March to celebrate the Birthday
of the compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

Lunar calendar 19/2 is the Guanyin Bodhisattva’s birthday, indeed a good day to express one’s gratitude.
Guanyin Bodhisattva is a great symbol of compassion & wisdom. She vowed to relieve all sentient beings from countless sorrow.
Amid this auspicious day, Penang Ban Foo Buddhist Organisation would like to invite everyone to make the blessing offerings online. May we pray for harmony in the society & peace in the world.

供养项目 Offering Item

供养截至 Offering Open Till:
10.03.2023 6PM

查询电话 Enquiry

蔡尚进 Seong Chin 010-8746717
吕佳应 Chia Yinn 016-4429505
翁敬贺 Kim Hoe 016-4400119

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